My Daughter Was Ashamed… And I Didn’t Know What To Do To Help Her…

MAY 17, 2022 - Jenny Brown

When my 11 year old daughter shrieked from the bathroom, I knew my life and hers were about to change forever…

I rushed over to find out what was wrong.

She came out of the bathroom crying and trembling… and wouldn’t tell me what was bothering her… which was confusing…

Because my tween has always been spunky, and is VERY outspoken…

So I was pretty surprised at how timid she was acting.

Then it hit me…

She was embarrassed. Ashamed. 

And didn’t want to tell me what had happened because she thought I would be disappointed in her.

My heart broke into a million pieces when I realized this…

I felt like the worst parent ever.

How could I have not known that my daughter was starting her period?

And even worse… how could I have not prepared her for this life event?

It’s something that EVERY woman goes through, and yet we don’t talk about it nearly enough… especially around tweens.

So if you’re a parent who is reading this, and you haven’t talked to your tween daughter about periods yet… don’t worry, you’re not alone.

But now is the time to have that talk…

1. Start early: It’s never too early to start talking to your daughter about periods. In fact, the earlier you start, the better. This way, she won’t be caught off guard when she actually starts her period.

2. Be open, honest and supportive: This is not a topic that you should be shy about. Be open and honest with your daughter about what to expect. No matter what, make sure your daughter knows that you love her and support her through everything.

3. Normalize it: Periods are a normal part of life for every single woman. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.

4. Be a good role model: If you’re comfortable talking about your own period with your daughter, that’s great! This will help her see that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

5. Be prepared: Periods can be tough, but she doesn’t have to go through it alone. She doesn’t have to do it with generic products that aren’t designed for tweens.

If you take these steps, you’ll be on your way to having a great discussion with your daughter about periods and make sure she’s ready every month.

Just remember to be patient, understanding, and most importantly – supportive.

I believe that every girl deserves access to period products and education, so she can thrive during her menstrual cycle.

That’s why I started this blog, a website dedicated to helping parents talk to their tween daughters about periods.

If you want more tips and advice on how to talk to your daughter about periods, follow more of my content…

I’ll be sharing everything that I wish I had known when I was in your shoes.

Now I know that every parent wants what’s best for their daughter…

And that’s why I think it’s crucial to give her EXACTLY what she needs to feel confident and NORMAL.

So I started digging around on the web to find resources for parents with tween daughters…

Because let’s face it, grabbing tampons, pads, discs, cups or sponges and giving her “the talk” isn’t enough.

Your daughter NEEDS your continued support AND period solutions that are SPECIFICALLY designed for tweens.

Not just the stuff you’d grab from a pharmacy or grocery store.

That’s why I recommend this speciality period kit I found…

The RedDrop Period Kit is more than just a box of pads or period accessories. 

It’s a symbol of support and encouragement for your daughter as she enters into womanhood… because it’s ONLY for tweens.

So go ahead and celebrate this milestone…

Your daughter is one step closer to becoming the strong, confident woman she was meant to be!

And I don’t know about you… 

But I refuse to be a part of the cycle that has led to the belittlement of women because of their periods…

Periods are completely natural and there shouldn’t be any stigma around them or talking about how to take care of our bodies…

So, why do I believe that this solution is best for my daughter (and yours)? 

Well… Because Red Drop’s mission is to help her and YOU navigate those transitions, empowering her as she grabs hold of life.

That’s why I support them… and why I think you should check them out for yourself right now…

Because your daughter DESERVES a period solution that’s FOR tweens like her…

Doesn’t she?

Check it out for yourself —>